Tag: short stories

Story-palooza incoming!

Story-palooza incoming!

This year, a large swath of IAMTW members (me included) decided we’d like to showcase our non-media tie-in writing chops and introduce all of our various fanbases to a wealth of new worlds, settings, and stories.

The Well

The Well

One emotion ran through him with a bitter sting, an emotion he had not felt in decades, if not centuries.


A Time of War, in Beta

A Time of War, in Beta

If you’ve not heard the news by now, Catalyst Game Labs has released for a limited time, their new core rulebook for the BattleTech RPG in a “beta release.” For $10, you can download the PDF, go hunting for errors, submit a ‘story seed,’ and then get the free, full upgrade when the final version …

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