Story-palooza incoming!

Story-palooza incoming!

I’ve been a member of the International Association for Media Tie-in Writers since, oh, 2005? A long time, is all I really know. I mean, I’ve been a Scribe Award judge since 2007.

Anyway, the group has been on a right forward roll the last couple of years with visibility and opportunity. This year, a large swath of the members (me included) decided we’d like to showcase our non-media tie-in writing chops and introduce all of our various fanbases to a wealth of new worlds, settings, and stories.

Hence the birth of The Infinite Bard.

Roughly every two weeks, you’ll find a new story listing from an IAMTW member, introducing you to a new world and characters that our outside the normal media properties most of us write/have written for. You can follow the Bard via Twitter and of course, via the website.

(For the record, my new story won’t debut until the fall, at the earliest.)

I’m hoping to spend some time diving into these great offerings and sharing them with all of you. In the meantime, go forth and read – the fun starts on May 1!