The Road to Reaving…Part VI
Continuing the seemingly never-ending saga of the Wars of Reaving. Which, if you ask my wife, is exactly what it seemed like to her during the next ten weeks after that phone call. (Catch up with all the linkage here.)
Continuing the seemingly never-ending saga of the Wars of Reaving. Which, if you ask my wife, is exactly what it seemed like to her during the next ten weeks after that phone call. (Catch up with all the linkage here.)
Now that my little sidetrip on my writing approach is complete, we’ll get back to our narrative. (Need to catch up? Flip over here and follow the links…)
Botched narrative, major rewrite, looming earlier deadline… How could this possibly turn out?
All about the writing process I needed to take in tackling this plotbook project.
A confluence of time, words, and projects threatens to derail the project. What to do?
The journey to the Clan Homeworlds begins – and so does the winding and twisting tale of its inception.
Huh. Found this floating around on a flash drive. Might be something, might just be discarded notes from some stupid project…
No comment. Okay, well maybe a small one. (Don’t know what I’m talking about? Some background here – this is my primary freelance client, of which I am an assistant line developer for one of their game licenses.) Regarding the actual events, I won’t comment. The official press release from Randall pretty much says it …
My freelance boss for CGL is Herb Beas. He’s the Line Developer for the BattleTech license and a great guy. Overworked like no-one else I know, yet he handles it with…well, sarcasm and a wit sharp enough to not just kill sacred cows, but spit them over a raging fire until they’re juicy and medium …