And My Comment Is…

And My Comment Is…

Heed the Warning

No comment.

Okay, well maybe a small one. (Don’t know what I’m talking about? Some background here – this is my primary freelance client, of which I am an assistant line developer for one of their game licenses.)

Regarding the actual events, I won’t comment. The official press release from Randall pretty much says it all, and I’m not going to add anything to it. Partly because it’s really nobody’s business outside of Catalyst Game Labs (CGL) and affected contractors, and partly because the internet is horrible at rumormongering. I won’t add to it.

I do want to state here that I will especially miss working with Adam Jury. The man’s a genius with game design, layout, and concepts – never mind his industry knowledge – and I hope our paths cross again in the future. (Even if it’s during one of his visits to the DC area.)

I’m greatly saddened by the actions of several freelance contractors who thought it fit to break one of the first clauses of their Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) they *willingly signed* with CGL and go public with rumors, speculation, and all-around unprofessional behavior. From where I sit, it’s virtual career suicide.

Not exactly an option I would consider, but to each their own.