Faith, Science Fiction, and Gaming (Part 2)

Faith, Science Fiction, and Gaming (Part 2)


Part 2 of Saving the Game’s podcast, which has me as a guest host, posted over the weekend. (You can catch information on Part 1 in my blog post last week.)

In this concluding segment, I talked about:

  • Transhumanism setting
  • Selective settings for GMs and gamers
  • Star Wars RPG (and an awesome sidebar regarding my college campaign) <<Seriously, if you listen to nothing else, this story is epic. Starts at 13:50.
  • Battlestar Galactica (the new version)
  • Examples of story arcs involving Christian characters in a setting designed for them
  • Christianity and other worlds
  • Dead Space series and the questions it raises
  • What would Christianity look like in the future, and the setting potential therin
  • Words of thanks
  • My thoughts on being a Christian and a gamer in the church

Yes, we do talk about Christianity, but in the context of games and science fiction settings and character. It’s not a “come to Jesus” sermon or forced proselytizing.

I know some of my readers might be instantly turned off because this involves “religion.” All I ask is that you set aside the stereotype that just popped into your head and listen with an open mind. I thank you in advance for that.

If anything can be gained from this, people who enjoy my work with BattleTech or other material I’ve written will (hopefully) come away with a better understanding of how this particular writer’s mind works.