It’s an Honor Just Being Nominated…

It’s an Honor Just Being Nominated…

Earlier this week, the Academy of Adventure Gaming Arts & Design announced their nominees for the 38th Annual Origins Awards. The nominees were voted by the retailer attendees of the 2012 GAMA Trade Show in Las Vegas, NV back in February. And I’m proud to say that Catalyst Game Labs’ Wars of Reaving, a BattleTech plot book written last year by yours truly, was one of the six nominees in the Best Miniatures Rules or Expansion category!

While I’ve been a writer on a few other CGL projects that have grabbed various awards, I’ve never been the primary author. This particular news is very special to me, as the book was done in the span of only a couple of months and required a Herculean effort on the part of myself, Jason Schmetzer (the editor), Ray Arrastia (layout genius), and of course, Herb Beas (BT Line Developer). And of course, there was no small part played by my understanding and supportive wife. (The full scope of the project can be found in more detail elsewhere.)

I’m hopeful that the book will be named the winner during Origins this year, but even if not, I’m still humbled by the nomination. In this line of work, accolades are difficult to find outside of the various fanbases. To be recognized for all of the sweat, stress, and near-endless revisions is pretty epic, in all honesty.

Now, if you’re going to Origins, make sure you vote for my book! Origins attendees will have the opportunity to vote for their favorite game, accessory, or book in each category. Each attendee is limited to one voting ballot. The Academy Chair and Secretary will tally votes at the end of each day and will show the leaders on the Origins Award Leader Board. Voting will end at noon on Saturday, June 2, with the winners announced that evening at the Origins Award ceremony.