War of Reaving – Now With More Reaving

War of Reaving – Now With More Reaving


So after some heavy work on the upcoming sourcebook, I found I needed more pages. I asked and was granted permission to inflate this project to a whopping 240 pages.

Revised TOC below.

00 Title Page (Art)  1

01 TOC/How to Use this Book  2-3

02 Fiction – Descent Into Madness 4-8

03 Trials of Position 9-24

Covering 3061 – Dec 3067

04 Trials of Possession 25-55

Covering 3068 – 3071

05 Trials of Reaving 56-86

Covering 3072 – 3073

06 Trials of Chalcas  87-117

Covering 3074 – 3078

07 Trials of Annihilation 118-141

Covering 3079 – 3085

08 Trials of Surkairede 142-165

Covering 3086 – 3095

09 Founder’s Future 166-180

Setting during the First Clan Council (Inner Sphere) 3096; Factional overview of the remaining factions. Stat blocks similar to MWGTTC. Short briefs detailing actions since the last Horse Watch transmission in 3095.

  • Blood Cobras
  • Star Adders
  • Coyote
  • Fire Mandrill
  • Ice Scorpion
  • Tanite Union
  • Jade Falcon
  • Ghost Bear Dominion
  • Wolf
  • Hell’s Horses
  • Snow Raven Alliance
  • Diamond Shark
  • Tainted Ones
  • Stone Raptor

Appendix  181-193

Map of extraneous holdings OR percentage table OR additional art.


Similar to Masters & Minions in style; major players will receive bios

Major players

  • Brett Andrews
  • Stanislov N’Buta
  • Jake Kabrinski
  • Karianna Schmitt

Minor players

  • Amanda Carrol
  • Connor Rood
  • Kelton Myers
  • Ilse DeLaurel


Style of a Watch report, detailing extraneous information such as hierarchy, combat style, access to resources, brief history.

Dark Caste

Defining who/what the Dark Caste (and Bandit Caste) is, general mode of operation, level of organization, and what remains in 3096.

Rules Annex   194-207

Campaign  208 – 226

Record Sheets/Tables 226-240