Tag: wargaming

A Son’s Requiem (Part II)

A Son’s Requiem (Part II)

He exhaled slowly, releasing the tension he’d stored for the last thirty-six hours. They weren’t in the clear yet­—far from it, actually—but any moment of respite was one to cultivate.

Games Most Wanted (In More Ways Than One)

Games Most Wanted (In More Ways Than One)

This past Monday, a dream finally saw fruition: I saw my first non-fiction book on a shelf at Barnes & Noble. Games’ Most Wanted has finally made it into the public eye. Granted, it’s not the first time I’ve seen one of my books on a store shelf; I’ve seen, on several occasions, many of …

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BattleTech: A Strategic and Tactical Primer (Pt. 6)

BattleTech: A Strategic and Tactical Primer (Pt. 6)

Part 6 of the Strategy and Tactics Guide from the cancelled Clan Box Set. Errors are my own, as this is straight from a first draft. BATTLETECH FORCES Not every ‘Mech is appropriate for every type of scenario, so match the machine to the mission when choosing BattleMechs. This section will help you do that …

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BattleTech: A Strategic and Tactical Primer (Pt 1)

BattleTech: A Strategic and Tactical Primer (Pt 1)

Back in early 2008, I was asked to contribute to an upcoming BattleTech product. Designed to be an expansion to the at-the-time forthcoming Introductory Box Set, the Clan Box Set Expansion would elevate technology, rules, and units for both new and experienced players alike. I was asked to write the Strategy and Tactics booklet. In …

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The Two-Headed Snake

The Two-Headed Snake

This will be the last update on Handbook: House Kurita for 2012. Principal writing is winding down and during the upcoming holiday week, most of the book will be (hopefully) completed. I’m also hoping to start seeing some of the art soon; it’s been far too quiet on that front. One of the primary things …

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HBHK: Arrogance in Character

HBHK: Arrogance in Character

Been a few weeks, so I thought I’d share a bit more from the ongoing HBHK project. One of the biggest challenges to this particular book is trying to convey the arrogance of the Kuritas (as it’s from the perspective of a Combine historian) without sounding overdone and silly but still convey important information. The …

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Final Chaos

Final Chaos

Continuing the discussion on my latest book project, Total Chaos. We last left off with deciding what world sidebars to include and then cutting the writers loose. Over the course of two months, assigned material began trickling back to me. I had several phone conversations with Matt Murray, who was tasked with rewriting the Chaos …

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Worlds of Chaos

Worlds of Chaos

A continuing look at my latest Catalyst Game Labs BattleTech project, Total Chaos. We left off taking a look at the mercenaries selected for the project. For those interested, the PDF version of the book is now for sale; the print version is tentatively due in August 2012. One of the ideas that came out …

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Chaos Theory

Chaos Theory

In late 3067, the Word of Blake unleashed its Jihad, fanning the flames of violence and spreading it across the Inner Sphere. Three mercenary commands struggled to find their footing and profit from the all-encompassing warfare. As they navigated their way through the conflicts erupting on hundreds of worlds, these mercenaries grew in power, prestige, …

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