Achievement Unlocked: Origins Award

Achievement Unlocked: Origins Award


Last night, I reached a career milestone.

Most people, when you tell them you won an Origins Award, would look at you oddly, tell you politely “that’s nice,” and move on in the conversation. It’s not exactly the Oscar here.

But for people in the game industry, it’s somewhat of a big deal. Maybe not an Academy Award, but at least something like winning recognition from Cannes or the Sundance Film Festival. It’s a known award, and it’s considered something of value.

So last night, my project baby from 2011, The Wars of Reaving, won the 2012 Origins Award for Best SciFi/Fantasy Miniature Supplemental product.

Most games and game products that win are a team affair, and mine is not much different. I had a lot of help making WOR look pretty. Paul Sjardijn helped me construct the main “spine” of plot; Herb Beas gave me carte blanche on the entire project; and Ray Arrastia’s amazing layout skills made WOR stand out in a very unique way when compared to the usual BattleTech sourcebook.

I’m very thankful to all three of these guys, plus the artists, factcheckers, and playtesters that assisted in spiffing up the final product. And of course, to Catalyst for believing in me to do the project in the first place.

I’ve been part of an Origins Award winner team – Tactical Operations won in 2009 – but this is the first project I had the lead on to win. It was an honor being nominated, yes. And I was convinced all this week that Osprey Publishing’s Tomorrow’s War was going to win. (That book looked sleek and sporty on the table.) But winning the award – thanks in a large part from all the BattleTech fans who voted – means even more to me.

Thanks to everyone who made it possible. And more thanks to my wife, for her support and strength while I poured myself into the WOR project. It paid off, honey!

Onward now, to next year. I’ve got my sights set on repeating this success, and Total Chaos is the project that just may do it…