It’s My Right – Not Your “Requirement”

It’s My Right – Not Your “Requirement”

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A gathering of LOONS…
(‘Americaâ��s Affordable Health Choices Act’ courtesy of ‘Speaker Pelosi’)

Dunno if anyone caught this in the stories being posted today about the House Democrats’ plan to force national health care on us. What irritated me most is the lead-in from the article in today’s Examiner (print edition, p. 14). “House Democrats on Tuesday rolled out an ambitious $1.5 trillion plan that for the first time would make health care a right and a responsibility for all Americans, with medical providers, employers and the wealthiest picking up most of the tab.”

Ok, so far okay. I don’t agree, but that’s personal.

Then this:

Individuals who did not purchase insurance by 2013 would face a penalty of 2.5 percent of their income, and employers that did not provide coverage to their workers would be fined as much as 8 percent of their payroll, a provision the CBO estimates would generate $30 billion a year.” (WaPo, 7-15-09)

Wait, WHAT?

So let me get this straight. Under this plan, if I choose to not exercise my “right” to have health coverage, the government is going to FINE ME? EXCUSE ME? (I don’t have coverage now, even though I have it available to me. I just choose not to have it.)

This is insane. Especially when you look at how insidious this is when concerning our ‘rights.’

Most importantly, the Constitution and our Bill of Rights – you know, the two founding documents that delineates our rights as US Citizens – DOES NOT SAY we have a right to complete health coverage.

And fining me for choosing to not exercise that right? What’s next, fining people for not voting?

Kill this plan. KILL IT NOW. (And yes, I already called my Congresspeople.)

I swear the people inhabiting that domed building sixteen blocks from me are complete and utter nutballs.