Interview News

Interview News

Hobbes the explorer 2

For those not interested in my gaming news, I’ve got you covered…

Lately at WeLoveDC, I’ve been doing some excellent interviews with some pretty cool people. First up was Carrie Milbank from the Hockey Show on She’s pretty awesome, though I had to keep the questions related to the Caps. That was hard to do, but I know if I didn’t I’d be lynched by the Caps-mad fans who read our site.

Next up was a grand two-parter with Peter Earnest. Former CIA intelligence officer, former boss of mine and all-around cool guy.

I’ve got some more lined up to go soon, most likely in January. Two prominent ones are with Miss D.C. in the Miss USA pageant, and with John Buccigross of ESPN, to discuss the Caps at the halfway point. Both prove to be challenging but ultimately will be very fun reads for you visitors.

Also check out all my other posts on the site; I end up getting two or three features up a week, so don’t miss out.

Have a Merry Christmas, all, and I’ll (most likely) catch up after the new year.